I didn’t have anything left…

I didn’t have anything left…

Gerry grew up in Nappanee, was happily married, and always had steady employment. But three strokes not only left him partially paralyzed and suffering from vascular dementia but also without a home and divorced. The first stroke was the worst, leaving Gerry with...
I didn’t want to lose my kids…

I didn’t want to lose my kids…

Stacey’s father was an addict who introduced his daughter to meth when she was just 15. Stacey paid for that mistake for the next 10 years! “My mom begged me to get clean,” Stacey says. “But she died while I was in jail.” Wanting to prove to her Mom that she could get...

I once was lost, but now I’m found…

Within a five-year period, Danielle lost three of the people most important to her: her mother, her grandmother and the father of her child. In despair, she turned to drugs and lost even more. “A lot of people didn’t want me around because of my addiction and things...
I have a new outlook on life!

I have a new outlook on life!

Karen has faced many struggles in her life – the deaths of her mother and her husband, some severe health issues and downsizing that resulted in the loss of her last job. Before coming to the Mission for shelter, she relied on the community meals here – and help from...