by The Faith Mission | Apr 30, 2023 | Client Stories
Vonzette grew up in Texas and was in a 15-year abusive relationship with a man who had introduced her to drugs. “I was going downhill in Texas. I was drinking, I was doing crack cocaine and I had started playing around with meth, and that’s something I never would...
by The Faith Mission | Mar 1, 2023 | Client Stories
Gerry grew up in Nappanee, was happily married, and always had steady employment. But three strokes not only left him partially paralyzed and suffering from vascular dementia but also without a home and divorced. The first stroke was the worst, leaving Gerry with...
by The Faith Mission | Nov 7, 2022 | Client Stories
When he was laid off because of Covid cutbacks, Terry not only lost his job, but the apartment he was living in. “I was living in South Bend, and I went to work one day, and they took me in the office and said, ‘You’re not going to like what we got to offer you, but...
by The Faith Mission | Aug 18, 2022 | Client Stories
Stacey’s father was an addict who introduced his daughter to meth when she was just 15. Stacey paid for that mistake for the next 10 years! “My mom begged me to get clean,” Stacey says. “But she died while I was in jail.” Wanting to prove to her Mom that she could get...
by The Faith Mission | Apr 14, 2022 | Client Stories
Candace will be the first one to admit that the choices she made in her life were not always the best ones. But she will also be the first to tell you how she came to know God and how her life changed completely at Faith Mission of Michiana. Abused as a child, Candace...
by The Faith Mission | Mar 1, 2022 | Client Stories
Within a five-year period, Danielle lost three of the people most important to her: her mother, her grandmother and the father of her child. In despair, she turned to drugs and lost even more. “A lot of people didn’t want me around because of my addiction and things...