Fall 2021

Before coming to Faith Mission of Michiana, Ritchie struggled with alcoholism for nearly 45 years! He drank until his money ran out, then got ready to die. Today, thanks to the prayers and support of faithful partners, he’s been “touched by the God who helped me” and...

Turkey Stampede 2021

A family event for a family day!  We missed seeing everyone last year and CANNOT WAIT to be together again! There are hundreds of people who rely on the Faith Mission of Michiana homeless shelter for accommodations, clothing, training and food. And this race is the...
It wasn’t my time to go yet!

It wasn’t my time to go yet!

Like so many men and women who come to Faith Mission of Michiana hoping to begin new lives, Ritchie had a pretty normal childhood. “I started drinking at 16. We’d go cruising in our cars and get beer.” His consumption increased after he married the first time, when he...
Now I don’t have to walk the streets…

Now I don’t have to walk the streets…

When Barbara began having medical problems several years ago, no one really understood what was going wrong. “I kept going to the hospital, and they kept sending me back home,” she remembers today. “My kids were in their 20’s then,” she recalls. “They were very...