Winter 2022

After being laid off from his job due to cutbacks, Terry found himself homeless. Having come through the Mission’s program many years ago, he called upon the Mission once more to find a safe place to get back on his feet… Winter 2022 Newsletter

Fall 2022

Stacey was just 15 when her Dad gave her meth… a horribly addictive drug. It ruled her life for the next ten years. Finding a home and new hope at Faith Mission of Michiana has given Stacey and her children a chance at a better life… Fall 2022...

Turkey Stampede 2022

A family event for a family day! We missed seeing everyone last year and CANNOT WAIT to be together again! There are hundreds of people (men, women and children) who rely on the Faith Mission of Michiana homeless shelter for accommodations, clothing, training and...
I didn’t want to lose my kids…

I didn’t want to lose my kids…

Stacey’s father was an addict who introduced his daughter to meth when she was just 15. Stacey paid for that mistake for the next 10 years! “My mom begged me to get clean,” Stacey says. “But she died while I was in jail.” Wanting to prove to her Mom that she could get...

Spring 2022

Abused as a child. A victim of domestic violence. Homeless. Addicted. Her son in foster care. Candace had no one to turn to and nowhere to go. Until she found Faith Mission of Michiana! Learn more about Candace’s near-miraculous recovery inside, and how your prayers...