“My goal is to be different from my parents.”
Until he was taken into foster care at age 7, Austin suffered horrific physical and emotional abuse at home. “When I was a kid, if I was bad when my…

Until he was taken into foster care at age 7, Austin suffered horrific physical and emotional abuse at home.

“When I was a kid, if I was bad when my dad wasn’t in jail, he would take my toys and smash them with a hammer. Or if I got something for my birthday or Christmas, like a game system, he would sell it for drug money.”

Austin stayed in foster care until he turned 16, when a Christian family adopted him.

“They’d give you the shirt right off their back,” Austin says. “I’m very grateful to have them. I never before had the love that they gave me. I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

This time last year, Austin was doing well. He was working as a cashier and stocker at a local retailer, and he had an apartment. But circumstances changed quickly.

“I lost the job, so I ended up becoming homeless. I knew that if I chose not to come here, I would probably be on the streets.”

Thanks to your partnership, Austin was able to enroll as a resident at the Mission, where he helps serve our overnight guests. Your support is also providing Austin with the support to pursue a GED, a driver’s license, trade school – and a brighter future. “They push you and try to get you to take the right path, but it’s up to you to take it.”

Austin’s faith has also grown during his time at the Mission. “Before I was here, I didn’t really touch my Bible. But since I’ve been here, I try to read it close to the end of each day.”

Whatever path he takes, Austin is thankful for the help provided by Faith Mission supporters.

“The people who support the Mission are doing a good job. They’re helping people who are trying to get help and build themselves a better life.”

Thank you for making a difference in Austin’s life through your support!

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