I once was lost, but now I’m found…

Within a five-year period, Danielle lost three of the people most important to her: her mother, her grandmother and the father of her child. In despair, she turned to drugs and lost even more.

“A lot of people didn’t want me around because of my addiction and things I’d done in the past,” she says. So, when the property left to her by her mother was gone and there was nowhere else to turn, she moved in with an aunt who was also an addict.

Danielle had come to Faith Mission of Michiana for meals before she entered our program. “I was in the process of trying to get clean, but then I came to Faith Mission of Michiana, and it pushed me even more.”

It was an arrest for child support that finally moved Danielle to begin transforming her life. “I went to jail, and as soon as I got out, Faith Mission of Michiana accepted me into housing.”

“I was really excited,” Danielle says. “My case managers helped me a lot in many different ways with my problems, self-management and encouragement…pretty much everything I needed.”

Through the Mission, Danielle was also able to find a job. But the best part of all was being reunited with her children! “I hadn’t been able to be alone with my children in almost three years. Now I am getting them every other weekend without supervision. So, I have a good relationship building with my children once again.”

“I don’t know what I would do without this place. I would probably have ended up right back in the street, doing drugs, running around, bouncing from house to house. And honestly, I probably wouldn’t be alive.”

Thank you for making a difference in Danielle’s life through your prayers and support!


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