I didn’t want to lose my kids…
Stacey’s father was an addict who introduced his daughter to meth when she was just 15. Stacey paid for that mistake for the next 10 years! “My mom begged me…

Stacey’s father was an addict who introduced his daughter to meth when she was just 15. Stacey paid for that mistake for the next 10 years! “My mom begged me to get clean,” Stacey says. “But she died while I was in jail.”

Wanting to prove to her Mom that she could get clean and sober, Stacey went to work, and she and her daughter moved in with an aunt. But because the aunt was using drugs, Stacey ended up paying their rent. When the money finally ran out, she and her daughter and a six- month-old son found a home and support at Faith Mission of Michiana.

“I was emotional when I got here. I was crying, and Cassandra [our client services director] just grabbed ahold of me. And she was like, ‘You’re going to be fine.’ And I was like, ‘I don’t have anybody.’ And she said, ‘You have Faith Mission of Michiana, that’s who you have.’”

Help came in many forms: parenting classes, substance abuse counseling and outings for Stacy and her children. “They’ve helped me get closer to God, and helped me find a new me – the sober me – someone I had lost 10 years ago. They helped me keep my kids and they have turned my life around completely.”

Your support also made it possible for the Mission to help the family reunite with Stacey’s daughter’s dad and get the couple into marriage counseling. And when the time came when they were ready to live on their own, thanks to you there was help finding an apartment and furniture.

Now clean for five years, Stacey has two goals: go back to school and become a registered nurse, and give back to the Mission that has done so much for her.

“I’m trying to help them because they’ve helped me, and all I can do is pay it back. I might not have too much money because I’ve got to be able to save for the apartment, but I’m still working for them trying to provide help.”

“I’ve seen a whole different life since I’ve been here and that’s what I want for my kids.”

Thank you for making a difference in Stacey’s life through your partnership!


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