From the Desk of Ross Swihart – Executive Director
Once again, you have reminded me that the friends and supporters of Faith Mission of Michiana are among the most generous, caring people in our community. Thank you and God bless…

Once again, you have reminded me that the friends and supporters of Faith Mission of Michiana are among the most generous, caring people in our community. Thank you and God bless you for all you have done – and continue to do – to enable us to help struggling men, women and children during these difficult days of COVID-19.

During a time when many businesses were forced to shut down and people were out of work, you continued to give sacrificially. You made sure we were here to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and bring the hope of Jesus to those struggling in despair. And of course, we do it all without regard to race, religion, or ethnicity.

Now, I’m not saying that we have escaped the Coronavirus unscathed. We had to isolate people who showed symptoms of sickness and took all the precautions we could to protect everyone. We were not able to provide meals to our partner churches in Dunlap, Middlebury, Nappanee, Goshen, Bristol and Wakarusa.

Even as businesses begin to reopen, many in Michiana remain in desperate need. It’s only because of you that we can continue to be here for them – a beacon of God’s love shining in the darkness.

Please join with us in praying for those facing hardships during this difficult season – and if you’re in a position to send a gift, please send one today.

Any amount you send will be put to work immediately to fill empty stomachs with nutritious food, mend broken hearts with the love of Jesus and provide job-training and other assistance to help struggling people get off the streets and regain their rightful place in society.

Again, God bless you for your prayers, financial support, and friendship. All of us at the Mission appreciate you more than you can possibly know.

Thank you for your blessings,


Ross Swihart – Executive Director


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