A Veteran’s Hope
David watched sadly as his sister and her husband moved out of their house. Their new home had no room for him. That day, David moved into his truck. “It…

David watched sadly as his sister and her husband moved out of their house. Their new home had no room for him.

That day, David moved into his truck.

“It was really hard to find housing,” he says. “I’m a retired veteran. I have a little money from Social Security, but not enough for my own place.”

It wasn’t the first time David had been knocked down by life. Years before, he’d been beat up and left on the railroad tracks – and struck by a train. After a three-month recovery, he had to go back to work to survive.

“I took some low-paying jobs so I’d have a little money to pay my rent,” he says. “But eventually, I had to move in with my sister. When she moved, I had no one.”

Living in his truck, David struggled with depression. “I got so depressed that I ran my truck into a tree trying to kill myself.”

But God was looking after David. He survived. After the hospital treated his injuries, they sent him to Oaklawn for mental health treatment… and they recommended he come to Faith Mission of Michiana.

At our emergency shelter, David found what he needed. “They put food in my stomach, gave me the chance to shower, a haircut… and the staff really works with you.”

David, who’d been so lonely, was surrounded by love and fellowship. “It means a lot to have friends. The people here respect me… it makes me feel good.”

The Veterans Administration provided another blessing. “They asked if I wanted help with my own apartment. So they worked with me and got me in an apartment across the street from here.”

His apartment allows David to live independently while still visiting the Mission for meals that help him stay within his monthly budget.

“I have a better outlook on life now,” he says. “I have no more feelings of wanting to do away with myself.”

Because of your support, David, and other veterans like him, find help and hope when they walk through the doors of Faith Mission of Michiana – at Easter and always. “I really appreciate what the Mission does. They helped me out. Turned my life around.”


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